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Computer Question Bank
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The shortcut key is used to open properties window of selected item is
  1. Ctrl+Enter
  2. Shift+Enter
  3. Alt+Enter
  4. None of above

Q2. An entire path name, consisting of several sub-directory name can contain up to

  1. 13 character
  2. 36 character
  3. 63 character
  4. 53 character
Correct Answer

Q3. What are the stages in the compilation process?

  1. Feasibility study, system design and testing
  2. Implementation and documentation
  3. Lexical Analysis, syntax analysis, and code generation
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Computer professionals working in a computer centre are

  1. Software
  2. Firmware
  3. Hardware
  4. Humanware
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:Which type of template provides a design concept, fonts & color scheme for presentation?

  1. Format
  2. Design
  3. Content
  4. Normal
Correct Answer

Q6. Machine language is

  1. Machine dependent
  2. Difficult to program
  3. Error prone
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. A set of rods where numbers were carved and used for multiplication and division aids is known as

  1. Pascaline
  2. Napier’s Bones
  3. Stepped Reckoner
  4. Slide Rule
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:what term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface

  1. gradient
  2. pattern
  3. solid
  4. texture
Correct Answer

Q9. In latest generation computers, the instructions are executed

  1. Parallel only
  2. Sequentially only
  3. Both sequentially and parallel
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: After creating the table which of the following is correct?

  1. Fields cannot be added
  2. Fields cannot be deleted
  3. Fields can added but only once
  4. Fields can added and deleted as needed
Correct Answer

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